01E_Creating Styles Internally

Main Headline Using < H1 > Tag

Subhead Using < H2 > Tag

This is the body copy for the example, styled using the < p > tag. This is the body copy for the example. This is the body copy for the example. This is the body copy for the example. This is the body copy for the example. This is the body copy for the example. This is the body copy for the example. This is the body copy for the example. This is the body copy for the example.

This is the body copy for the example. This is the body copy for the example. This is the body copy for the example. This is the body copy for the example. This is the body copy for the example. This is the body copy for the example. This is the body copy for the example. This is the body copy for the example. This is the body copy for the example.